Board Certified Personal Injury Trial Attorney

Delayed Injuries After a Car Accident

May 18, 2024 | Auto Accidents,Car Crash

After a car accident, some injuries may not be apparent right away. These delayed-onset injuries can emerge hours, days, or even weeks later and have serious implications on your health and any potential personal injury claims.

Common Types of Delayed Injuries

Understanding the common types of delayed injuries is essential in recognizing and addressing any post-accident health concerns.

Soft Tissue Injuries: Injuries to muscles, ligaments, and tendons, such as whiplash, might not cause discomfort until inflammation sets in, which can take time. These injuries can result in chronic pain and long-term mobility problems if left untreated.

Internal Injuries: Internal bleeding or organ damage can also occur as delayed injuries. Without proper medical attention, these injuries can lead to severe complications, such as infection or organ failure.

Head Injuries: Traumatic brain injuries, including concussions, may not be immediately evident. Symptoms can develop over time as swelling or bleeding occurs within the skull.

Psychological Injuries: The mental and emotional impact of a car accident, including PTSD, anxiety, and depression, can emerge well after the incident has occurred.

Recognizing and seeking prompt treatment for delayed injuries after an accident is essential to preventing long-term health complications and ensuring a comprehensive recovery.

Steps to Take If You Notice Delayed Symptoms

If you notice any delayed symptoms after a car accident, it is crucial to take the following steps:

Consult a healthcare professional: Even if symptoms seem minor, a healthcare professional can perform necessary evaluations and diagnostics tests to identify any underlying issues.

Follow-up appointments: Attend all follow-up appointments to monitor your health and any progress or changes in your condition.

Keep a detailed record: Write down when each symptom started, its intensity, and how it affects your daily activities.

Take photos of visible injuries: If any physical symptoms or injuries develop over time, document them with photographs.

Inform your insurer: Make sure to report any delayed symptoms to your insurance company. However, consider speaking to a lawyer before providing detailed information or statements.

Get support if needed: For psychological symptoms, consulting a mental health professional can provide you with the support and treatment necessary for recovery. It’s essential to address these symptoms as they can severely impact your quality of life.

Seek legal advice: If you’re considering filing a claim, contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible so they can help you determine what to do next.

Taking these steps will help you get your health under control and will also give you the best chance at filing a successful claim for compensation.

Proving an Injury After a Car Accident

To establish a successful personal injury claim, demonstrating the connection between the accident and the injuries suffered is essential. Here are some of the ways your attorney can help you establish your injuries and file a successful personal injury claim.

Gather Medical Records

Collect all possible medical documentation related to your injuries. This includes initial emergency room reports, records from follow-up visits, diagnoses, and prognoses from healthcare professionals, as well as any documentation of specific treatments, medications, and therapies you’ve undergone.

Obtain Expert Testimonies

Seek opinions and testimonies from medical experts who specialize in your type of injuries. These professionals can provide detailed insights into how the accident caused your injuries, the severity of these injuries, and their potential impact on your lifestyle and ability to work.

Provide an Injury Journal

Maintain a detailed journal documenting your daily pain levels, any limitations experienced as a result of the injury, and how these affect your daily life. Include entries about doctor visits, treatments received, and any days of work missed due to your injury. An injury journal can offer a view into the impact of the injuries on your everyday life.

Secure Witness Statements

If there were witnesses to the accident, their accounts could be invaluable to your case. Secure written statements or testimonies from anyone who witnessed the incident or can attest to the injury’s impact on your life. Witness statements can corroborate your account of the accident and injuries, lending credibility to your claim.

If you or someone you know is navigating a delayed injury after a car accident, contact us today to schedule a free consultation.