Board Certified Personal Injury Trial Attorney


May 18, 2024 | Auto Accidents,Car Crash

Delayed Injuries After a Car Accident

After a car accident, some injuries may not be apparent right away. These delayed-onset injuries can emerge hours, days, or even weeks later and have serious implications on your health and any potential personal injury claims. Common Types of Delayed Injuries Understanding the common types of delayed injuries is essential in recognizing and addressing any…

March 25, 2024 | Auto Accidents,Car Crash

How Is Fault Determined In a Car Accident?

Determining fault in a car accident is essential as it directly influences who is held liable for damages. This determination affects how insurance claims are resolved – including which driver’s coverage will pay for repairs and medical expenses – as well as the outcome of any legal proceedings should victims choose to seek compensation through…

What Constitutes a Catastrophic Injury?

A catastrophic injury stands out as one of the most devastating outcomes individuals might face following an accident. Such injuries not only impact the victim physically but also emotionally, financially, and socially. A catastrophic injury usually refers to severe injuries with long-term consequences that may inhibit a person’s ability to lead their life as they…

January 25, 2023 | Car Crash

When Can My Child Ride in the Front Seat in Texas?

As a parent, you want to do what’s best for your children, but it can take a lot of work to keep up with all the laws and regulations. One area that often causes confusion is when your child is old enough, or big enough, to safely ride in the front seat without getting severely…

Stop Distracted Driving to Reduce Car Accidents!

Texting or other distractions while driving can definitely cause car wrecks that everyone will regret.  Then you will want to hire a lawyer to help you with receiving your settlement or to protect yourself from having to pay a big settlement! Here is a good video about distracted driving: Here’s a fun car accident image…

September 12, 2014 | Auto Accidents,Car Crash

10 Steps to Take after a Car Accident

No question about it. Accidents are scary. But if you know what to do ahead of time, the post-accident process will be much less traumatic. And if you have reason to file a claim against another driver, taking the necessary steps will strengthen your case. Here are ten steps to take if after a car…

July 23, 2014 | Car Crash

How to Get Your Crash Report in Dallas

If you’re involved in legal proceedings related to a car crash, you will probably need to get a crash report. This is an official report of your accident. Crash Reports The Texas Department of Transportation collects crash reports both from law enforcement agencies in Texas and from drivers. Whether you crashed on a tiny back…