Board Certified Personal Injury Trial Attorney


November 15, 2023 | Injury Law

What Are The Statute of Limitations in a Plano Personal Injury Case?

Dеaling with the aftеrmath of a personal injury can be a frustrating and difficult task. Amidst thе physical pain and еmotional turmoil, you might be full of quеstions regarding your lеgal rights and rеsponsibilitiеs. If you’re involved in a pеrsonal injury case in Plano, a key aspect of the process is understanding the statute of…

November 5, 2023 | Injury Law

What Do The New Texas Personal Injury Limitations Mean for My Case?

The pеrsonal injury landscape in Tеxas has rеcеntly еxpеriеncеd significant changes, and as a victim, it’s crucial to understand how thеsе nеw rеgulations may impact your casе. Onе notablе changе is thе rеmoval of thе statutе of limitations for pеrsonal injury claims rеlatеd to thе sеxual assault of a child. If you’re looking for guidancе…

September 20, 2023 | Injury Law

What Defines a Traumatic Brain Injury?

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can have a significant impact on people’s lives. These injuries can range from mild to severe, with lasting consequences that can affect every aspect of a person’s life. If you’ve been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence and think you are dealing with a TBI, it’s important to understand…

July 28, 2023 | Firm News

What Are The Main Causes of Motorcycle Accidents?

For many, riding a motorcycle offers a sense of freedom that cannot be matched by any other vehicle. However, as exhilarating as it may be, it does not come without its own set of risks. Understanding the main causes of motorcycle accidents is crucial in protecting yourself. Human Factors Contributing to Motorcycle Accidents It’s crucial…

June 27, 2023 | Firm News

Main Causes of Truck Accidents in Texas

Truck accidents are unfortunately a common occurrence on our roads, leading to devastating consequences for those involved. Understanding the reasons behind these accidents can help in generating awareness and enforcing better regulations for truck drivers to enhance safety on the roads. Speeding and Aggressive Driving Speeding is a major cause of truck accidents, as high…

June 10, 2023 | Injury Law

What is Emotional Distress in a Personal Injury Case?

In a personal injury case, emotional distress is an aspect that may not be as common as physical injuries. Often, the psychological impact an accident or injury can have on an affected individual can be overlooked.  Emotional distress is the psychological suffering experienced by an individual due to a traumatic event or injury. This can…

May 27, 2023 | Auto Accidents

Spinal Cord Injuries after a Car Accident

Car accidents can be life-altering events, leading to various physical and emotional traumas. One of the most devastating outcomes is a spinal cord injury, which can significantly impact the quality of life for both the victim and their loved ones. It’s important to understand the prevalence of spinal cord injuries in car accidents, common contributing…

March 28, 2023 | Injury Law

Top Questions to Ask a Plano Personal Injury Lawyer

If you’ve been injured in an accident, you may find yourself in need of a Plano personal injury lawyer. The right attorney will be able to provide answers to your questions and guide you through the legal process. The first step in finding an experienced personal injury lawyer is to do your research. Look for…